Finding the Will of God !
In Order to know the Will of God in your Life its important to be in the presence of Lord , spend time in prayer and read the Bible which is the written work of God. Love God and People around us
When we know the will of God in our Life God gives us the grace to live our life according to his perfect will which brings salvation and healing to our soul and Body its important to live our life accordingly to his will not our will , ambitions and feelings as Bible says “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”
Psalm 119 is an amazing Psalm. Not only is it the longest Psalm (176 verses!), but it is also the Psalm that deals the most directly with the topic of Scripture. Virtually every verse, in one way or another, refers to God’s Word.
David (who is most likely the author) uses a variety of terminology to describe God’s Word: commandments, law, statutes, precepts, ordinances, rules, words, testimonies, etc. These all refer to the Scriptures as they existed in David’s day (essentially the Pentateuch)
Important Key is to trust the Word of God nowadays people trust more the words of Doctors,Scientist,teachers and people around them then God Words
David says in verse 151 and declares all your commandments are true what a declaration and what a strong belief in the Word of God
David doesn’t just believe the Word; he is a student of the Word. He learns it (v.73), he seeks it (v.155), he has memorized it (v.153), and regularly meditates on it.
David repeatedly affirms that he uses the Word of God as a “counsellor” (v.24), to give “strength” (v.28), and to bring “comfort in affliction” (v.50). He states, “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (v.105). In short, the Word of God is the very source of life for David (v.156).
This reminds us a very important attribute of God’s Word: it is alive. It is powerful and active. When we talk about the attributes of Scripture, we must remember that it is more than just a true book (encyclopaedias can be true). It is also a living book. It is the place where the God of the universe meets us and manifests himself.
Delighting in the Word of God. What is amazing is that David takes things one step further than we might expect. It’s not just that he trusts, studies, and uses the Word of God. He actually has affection for it. He has a deep emotional affinity towards it..